For more information about the synod in the Diocese of Phoenix, please visit: Synod
Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect on a decisive theme for its Life and Mission. Synodality enables the entire people of God to walk forward together, listening to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to participate in the Mission of the Church.
To this effect, the parish will have a Synodal Consultation with the community participation on:
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 at 6:30pm in the School Cafeteria.
IMPORTANT: Please let us know if we can count with your participation by completing the following Form
The questions we will address are the following:
1. Companions on the journey
- Share about a personal experience that made you feel a real sense of belonging in the Church. What happened and how did you feel? What made it possible? Or share about a time when you felt that you were left out or that you did not belong. What made you feel that way? How can things be better?
4. Celebration
- What are the communal prayers and liturgical activities that you participate in most frequently? How do they make a difference in your life?
- In what ways are the liturgies in your Church community, especially the celebration of the Eucharist, inclusive and participatory? What further improvements are needed?
5. Sharing responsibility for our common mission
- How does your local church or school community currently assist people to understand the Christian mission and discover their particular role in it? What can be done to help people discern and live their mission? In what ways do you collaborate with one another in your commitment to the Christian mission?
6. Dialogue in the Church and society
- How are conflicts or disagreements usually handled in your community? Share about some striking incidents that come to mind. What can we learn from them? How can we promote better dialogue in the Church and society?
8. Authority and participation [covers (2) Listening and (3) Speaking out]
- How and by whom are pastoral plans, goals, and new ideas usually developed in your local Church and School community? Have you ever been part of this process?
- Do you feel you can come forward or take action easily if you want to do something in the church? What helps or hinders you? What image would you use to describe your place in the Church? Why?
- What can the clergy do to encourage more participation in the life and mission of the church? What can the lay people do?